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Why choose V&V Editora to publish your Work?

At V&V Editora, we understand the importance of your academic contributions and the hard work you have invested in your monograph, dissertation or thesis. We value the knowledge you are about to share with the world and are here to support you on this exciting publishing journey.

Commitment to Quality

At V&V Editora, we are committed to ensuring the exceptional quality of each published work, adding value to the project. Our team works meticulously on each manuscript, ensuring rigorous academic standards and respecting your unique voice, in addition to meeting the Qualis Capes criteria.

Experience in Various Areas

Whatever your field of study, we have experience in a variety of academic areas. Our editors ensure that your work is treated with the respect and attention it deserves, regardless of the area of knowledge. We have over 200 advisory and consulting services for research projects at institutions throughout Brazil.

Personalized Support

Nosso compromisso não se limita à publicação. Estamos aqui para oferecer apoio personalizado em cada etapa do processo, desde a submissão inicial até a promoção do seu livro. Na V&V Editora, você é mais do que um autor, é um colaborador valioso.

How to submit your Monograph, Dissertation or Thesis:

At V&V Editora, we understand the importance of your academic contributions and the hard work you have invested in your monograph, dissertation or thesis. We value the knowledge you are about to share with the world and are here to support you on this exciting publishing journey.

Submit your Proposal

Start by sending us a publication proposal. Include a summary of your work, a brief biography, and any relevant information about your project. We look forward to hearing about your unique research and contributions to the academic field. Or, send us your full text!

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Transparent Editorial Process

Once your work is accepted, we will work together on a transparent publishing process. You will have the opportunity to review and approve every step, from formatting to the book cover.

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Disclosure and Internationalization

After publication, we are committed to actively promoting your book. We will use our extensive network of academic contacts and media channels to ensure that your work reaches the right audience and receives the recognition it deserves.

Evaluation and Feedback

The Editorial Board or Coordination will conduct a rigorous evaluation of your work. We will provide constructive feedback to help refine and improve your work, ensuring that it meets the standards of excellence that define V&V Editora.

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